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[여행 Tip] 대만여행 22.10.13부터 코로나 격리 해제

by mistama 2022. 10. 1.

코로나이후 대만은 코로나에 관련하여 외국인 입국에 매우 방어 적으로 대응해왔습니다.

한동안 가고는 싶었지만 긴 자가격리때문에 쉽사리 대만여행을 가기가 쉬지 않았는데요.

이번 대만의 코로나 정책 완화로 인하여 대만여행을 기다렸던분들에게 반가운 소식이 전해졌습니다.








With steady easing of border measures, Taiwan to end quarantine and adopt 7-day self-initiated prevention policy for arrivals on






대만질병통제센터에서 2022년 9월 29일에 코로나 정책 완화에 대한 보도내용이 올라왔습니다.

보도된 내용에 따르면, 현행 4(격리)+3(자체예방) 정책에서 2022년 10월 13일부터 0(격리)+7(자체예방) 정책으로 바뀔 예정이라고 합니다. 대만의 바뀔 코로나 정책에 대해서 한번 보겠습니다.





대만질병통제센터 보도자료





국경조치의 꾸준히 완화됨에 따라, 대만은 방역(격리)를 종료하고

10월 13일(부터) 입국자에 7일간의 자체 예방 정책을 채택합니다.







대만질병통제센터 보도자료 정리



1. 2022. 10. 13. 00:00시 (자정) / 입항기 도착예정시간으로부터 방역(격리)정책 종료하고 도착이후 7일간 자체예방을 하게됩니다.

2. 시범적으로 주당 15만명의 여행자에 적용됩니다.

3. 도착당일은 0일이고 7일간의 자체예방이 필요합니다.

  1) 방역(격리)는 종료됩니다.

  2) 검역시스템에 건강신고서 작성 필요없으며, 대만번호의 전화를 소지해야합니다.

  3) 자체예방동안 지켜야할 전염병예방규칙;

     ① 1룸 / 1욕실 이 있는 집(친구,가족의 거주지) 또는 호텔 객실거주 원칙으로 합니다.

     ② 코로나19 발병이 높은 사람(65세이상 노인, 6세이하 어린이, 면역력이 약한사람)과 접촉을 피합니다.

     ③ 도착한 여행객은 증상이 있을 경우 숙소/집에서 휴식을 취합니다. 만약 무증상시, 2일내에 신속검사를 합니다

     ④ 식당에서 식사를 할 수 있으나, 식사 전후 또는 자리를 뜰때 바로 마스크를 착용합니다.

     ⑤ 도착한 여행객은 병문안 또는 병간호가 불가합니다.

     ⑥ 코로나 경증환자는 강화된 격리호텔 / 정부 격리시설에서 재택치료를 받을 수 있습니다. (일반호텔 안됨)

4. 시험조치는 다음과 같습니다.

   1) 2세이상 입국자에 신속자가키트 4개 제공

   2) 신속자가키트 사용할 때 :

      ① 도착당일 / 자체예방기간 첫날 (D0 / D1)

      ② 자체예방기간중 외출전 2일이내 신속자가키트검사로 음성이 나와야 합니다.

      ③ 이 기간동안 증상이 있을때

      ④ 기록은 되지않지만, 신속자가키트로 양성이 나올 경우 자체예방지침을 따라야 합니다.

      ⑤ 신속자가키트의 사용연령을 고려하여 2세미만아동은 이기간동안 사용하지 않아도 됩니다.


5. 교통

  1) 도착 14일전 코로나 의심증상이 있는경우 대만 CDC 검역관에게 자진신고해야 합니다. 이 경우 공항/항구에서 침(타액) 검사를 받는데 협조해야합니다. 검역관의 지시와 판단에따라 검역차량을 이용합니다.

  2) 코로나 19 증상이 없는 여행객은 대중교통을 이용할 수 있습니다. 

  3) 비자면제 입국제도가 완전히 복구됩니다. 비자면제 대우를 받지않은 국가의 여행객들은 대만입국비자를 신청할 수 있습니다. 단체관광 금지령도 해제 됩니다.







대만질병통제센터 보도자료 본문


On September 29, the Central Epidemic Command Center (CECC) announced that, effective 00:00 on October 13 (incoming flight's scheduled arrival time), arriving travelers will no longer be required to quarantine and will instead undergo a seven-day period of self-initiated prevention after arrival. Related border restrictions will also be lifted starting October 13.

Details are listed below.
I. Weekly cap on arriving travelers: in principle, the weekly cap will be 150,000 on a trial basis.
II. Quarantine duration: the day of arrival counts as Day 0. A seven-day period of self-initiated prevention will be required.
A. Mandatory quarantine will be discontinued.
B. Arriving travelers will no longer be required to make a health declaration on the Quarantine System for Entry before arrival and to have a mobile phone with a Taiwanese number.
C. The COVID-19 Health Declaration and Home Quarantine Notice will no longer be issued to arriving travelers.
D. Electronic fencing and monitoring measures will be suspended, and home quarantine designation will no longer be marked in the National Health Insurance system. Home quarantine services from local governments will also be suspended.
E. Epidemic prevention rules to follow during the self-initiatedprevention period:
1. In principle, arriving travelers should stay at home or a residence of a friend or family member or a hotel room that meets the requirement of "one person per room" (with a private bathroom) in the self-initiated prevention period.
2. During the self-initiated prevention period, arriving travelers should avoid coming into contact with persons who have a high risk of developing severe COVID-19 (including elderly people 65 and older, children under 6, and individuals who are immunocompromised or have a weak immune system).
3. Arriving travelers should rest at home if they experience symptoms. If they don't experience symptoms, a negative result from an at-home rapid test taken within two days is required before they go out, go to work, or attend school. They should wear a mask at all times when outside.

4. Arriving travelers can dine alone or with specific persons in a restaurant if they need to eat when outside. They should immediately put on a mask when they leave their seat or finish eating. They can temporarily remove their mask when dining and should put on their mask after finishing their meal.
5. Arriving travelers cannot visit or stay with a hospitalized individual in a hospital. Non-urgent medical services or examinations should be postponed. Arriving travelers should avoid going to long-term care facilities.
6. Those with COVID-19 who have mild symptoms can receive home care at an enhanced quarantine hotel/government quarantine facility or the place where they undergo self-initiated prevention (general hotel not included).

III. Testing measures are listed below.

A. Four rapid test kits will be given to arriving travelers aged 2 and older by workers at international airports/ports upon arrival.
B. When to use rapid tests:
1. On the day of arrival or the first day of the self-initiated prevention period (D0/D1).
2. Arriving travelers should take a rapid test and produce a negative result within two days before going out during the self-initiated prevention period.
3. Symptoms develop during this period.
4. The test results will not be recorded. Arriving travelers should follow the Self-initiated Prevention Guidelines if they test positive with a rapid test.
5. In consideration of the age limit on who can use at-home rapid test kits, children under two years of age will not be required to take rapid tests during the self-initiated prevention period.

VI: Transportation
A. Travelers who have experienced any suspected COVID-19 symptoms in the 14 days before arrival should voluntarily report their symptoms to a Taiwan CDC quarantine officer at the airport/port. Such travelers should cooperate in undergoing a saliva test at the airport/port and follow instructions to take a quarantine vehicle according to assessments of quarantine officers.
B. Travelers without COVID-19 symptoms can take public transportation.
C. Visa-exempt entry scheme will be fully restored. Travelers from countries not granted visa-exemption treatment will be allowed to apply for visas to enter Taiwan for regular social visits and tourism. The ban on tour groups will also be lifted.

The CECC reiterated that arriving travelers should adhere to epidemic prevention measures as border restrictions are being lifted. Arriving travelers should follow self-initiated prevention rules which provide what to do if they test positive with a rapid test. Arriving travelers should seek medical attention as soon as possible and have their positive rapid test results evaluated through telemedicine/video consultations or by asking a friend or family member to go to a clinic or the medical institution in charge of home care (public health center included) on their behalf or following the instructions of their local health departments to visit a clinic or such a medical institution.

After their positive results are confirmed, they can seek medical help by driving themselves, riding a scooter or bike, walking, or getting a ride from a friend or family member (with both parties keeping their masks on at all times) or can follow instructions of their local health department to seek medical attention. Travelers should put on a medical mask and are prohibited from using public transportation when seeking medical attention to reduce the risk of disease transmission and to maintain the safety of the community.








뒤늦게 풀어진 대만의 코로나 정책으로 다시 대만여행을 계획 하기 쉬워졌습니다.

하지만 아직 코로나가 종식된것도 아니고 아직은 시범단계라고하니 마스크착용에 대해서는 엄격히 하는 것 같습니다.

이제는 코로나도 슬슬 그냥 독감같이 우리 삶과 같이 공존하네요.


그래도 걸리면 걸린사람만 아프니까!

다른 사람에게도 피해 줄 수 있으니까 항상 조심하시길 바래요 :)








